Best Whitening Mouthwash

The Best Whitening Mouthwash: What to Look For

Who would say no to a whiter smile? With so many at-home whitening treatments available, you have more options than ever before to brighten your teeth. A whitening mouthwash can help supplement your oral care routine, so you get the teeth whitening results you want. Find out how a simple swish can impact your smile so that you can choose the best whitening mouthwash for the job.

What Is a Whitening Mouthwash?

Whitening mouthwash contains a bleaching agent called hydrogen peroxide to help remove surface stains from your teeth. You regularly rinse your mouth with the whitening solution to change the color of your teeth. The best whitening mouthwash will include ingredients that do more than whiten your teeth, such as fluoride to strengthen your enamel or cetylpyridinium chloride to kill bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath.

How to Use a Whitening Mouthwash

For a whitening mouthwash to be effective, you need to consistently make it part of your oral care routine. A study in the Scientific World Journal showed that hydrogen peroxide mouthwashes increased teeth whiteness over time but found no significant color changes in the first 56 days. To get the most out of your whitening mouthwash, follow the instructions on the back of the bottle, and commit to using it long-term. Most products will require you to swish the solution around your mouth for 60 seconds twice a day. Remember not to swallow!

How to Get the Best Teeth Whitening Results

Whitening mouthwash works best when combined with other at-home and professional teeth whitening treatments, according to Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics. Most whitening mouthwashes contain a two percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide. In comparison, the bleaching products used by your dentist contain 25-40 percent. The Scientific World Journal study found that even at-home whitening gels with 10 percent carbamide peroxide worked better than mouthwash to whiten teeth when the gel is applied directly to the tooth. Other whitening techniques include toothpaste, whitening strips, over-the-counter gels, take-home trays, and professional whitening treatments.

Talk to your dental professional about the best way to improve the color of your teeth. Your dentist or dental hygienist can determine if you are a good candidate for whitening treatments and recommend the best whitening technique for your situation.

Remember that mouthwashes and mouthrinses do not replace regular brushing and flossing. Protecting your teeth from cavities and decay is the first and most important step to a more beautiful smile. Explore how a whitening mouthwash can accompany your oral care routine and other whitening products to help your pearly whites shine.


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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.