What Are The Papillae of the Tongue

According to an article from InformedHealth.org, mucous membranes that have bulged up underneath the tongue’s surface are papillae. That doesn’t sound particularly pleasant, but these little bumps that give your tongue its rough surface are pretty important dots. And there are four different types of papillae, each with their own function, according to the University of Texas. Those four are:


What Does Your Filiform Papillae Do

The filiform papillae aren’t a part of the beloved taste bud bunch. Nope. But they serve a very significant purpose. Your filiform papillae’s function is as a coating mechanism for your tongue. They create a rough texture on the surface of the tongue that helps when you're:


Are There Conditions That Affect Your Filiform Papillae

There are a few conditions that can affect your filiform papillae and, in turn, affect their ability to help you and your mouth.


How Do You Clean and Protect Your Filiform Papillae

Cleaning and protecting your filiform papillae are vital to your mouth and tongue health. Your goal is to eliminate germs that lead to bacteria causing elongated papillae, leading to conditions like bad breath or black hairy tongue. Protect your filiform papillae by:


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