Total FAQ Accordion
Frequent Asked Questions
How does the Colgate® Total work?
What do zinc and arginine do?
How safe are zinc and arginine?
Is Colgate® Total safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers?
The ingredients in Colgate® Total have been proven safe and effective. You can be assured that Colgate-Palmolive will introduce products into the marketplace only after their ingredients have established an exhaustive scientific record of safety and efficacy. Our daily diet contains many times more arginine than what is possibly ingested during the use of this toothpaste. Similarly, zinc is an essential element that is found in our daily food. The amount of zinc that is possibly ingested during the use of our toothpaste is far below our daily dietary intake and well within the levels that have been confirmed by international safety authorities to be safe. However, if you are pregnant or nursing, as with any product, we recommend seeking the advice of your medical or dental professional.
Is Colgate® Total safe for children?
Colgate® Total is not recommended for children 6 years or less due to the fluoride content. For children over 6 years, it is safe when used within the recommended conditions for all fluoride toothpastes. Zinc is an essential element, and arginine is a nutrient, both are naturally occurring in a healthy diet for all ages. You can find usage directions on all of our packs!
Is there information on Colgate® Total and diabetes?
To know more about diabetes and dental health, please visit:
What are the different types of Colgate® Total?
Please visit: to learn more about the different types and benefits of Colgate® Total.
Does Colgate® Total contain alcohol?
Where can I buy the Colgate® Total?
Colgate® Total is widely avaliable across both Australia and New Zealand. You can visit to buy now.