How Does pH Affect My Tooth Enamel?

Ready for a mini science lesson? The “H” in pH stands for the chemical element hydrogen, and the “p” refers to the word "potential." So, pH is the “potential of hydrogen” and translates the values of the concentration of the hydrogen ions. The pH scale measures a substance's acidity or basicity and ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 (pure water) being neutral. On a pH scale:

  • Less than 7 indicates acidity (straight lemon juice’s pH is 2)
  • Greater than 7 indicates base, or the alkaline level (baking soda’s pH is 9.5)

Your body maintains a pH balance of around 7.4, as measured by your blood. And hydrogen ions are responsible, in part, for every chemical reaction in your body. So, the pH of anything you put in your mouth can affect your teeth, gums, and tongue.

Most importantly, acidic pH levels lead to demineralization. Your enamel starts to demineralize when exposed to a pH level of about 5.5. And that can cause many oral issues, including tooth sensitivity and decay. That’s why too much soda, sports drinks, candy, and citrus is unsafe for your teeth. Enamel erosion, caused by demineralization, is due to the amount of acidity in what you eat and the products you use.

How Can I Find the pH Level of My Toothpaste?

Many factors play a role in your mouth's acidity — from diet to medications and even toothpaste. Unfortunately, the toothpaste's pH levels typically aren't listed on the pack. If you are concerned about your toothpaste negatively affecting your oral health, you can always ask your dental professional for product recommendations.

Thankfully, most toothpaste also contains ingredients that help protect your teeth. Fluoride is an ingredient in your toothpaste, making the tooth structure stronger through remineralization. A study in the journal Contemporary Clinical Dentistry (CCD) found that toothpaste with certain fluoride levels prevents enamel from demineralizing.

The Right Toothpaste for Your Enamel

A healthy mouth has a near-neutral pH level – it should be neither too acidic nor too basic. So, for your best enamel health, there are plenty of ways to maintain optimal salivary pH. Schedule regular checkups with your dental providers to determine your enamel's strength or weakness, which might determine the toothpaste they recommend. Plus, eating a healthy diet and making good lifestyle choices play a significant role in maintaining a balanced pH.

If you are worried about your enamel, look for a toothpaste that contains fluoride to assist with remineralization. Knowing a little more about your toothpaste and oral care products' ingredients and pH level can help you make a more confident decision about the right toothpaste for your family.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider


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