How to Smile on Camera

Got an important video call coming up? Put your best smile forward with these helpful tips and tricks…

Practice makes perfect

If you’re not feeling confident about how you look on camera, have a couple of practice runs before a video call. Switch on your camera and see how you look when you speak, talk and smile. If you notice you’re looking a little awkward when you smile or you’re pulling some expressions you weren’t aware of, consciously practice acting more naturally. And be sure to do it in the spot where you’ll have your call so you can see how the lighting and positioning influence your look.

Think happy thoughts

A natural smile makes a great impression and puts others at ease. On the other hand, we can instinctively spot a fake smile, which makes us feel wary. But don’t worry – you don’t have to fake it to flash a big smile. Simply thinking about things that make you laugh or bring you joy is enough to trigger a genuine response in your face. In turn, this actually does make you feel happier and more relaxed.

Position the camera correctly

Make sure your camera is positioned at eye level or slightly higher to perfectly showcase your smile. Too low, and your smile will be the last thing people notice as they gaze into your nostrils! Too high, and they’ll be staring at the top of your head

Get the lighting just right

Poor lighting can cast unsightly shadows or colors on your teeth and skin, so avoid harsh indoor lighting and overhead lights. For best results, hold your video calls in naturally lit areas and sit facing the light source – but not too close. If you don’t have ideal lighting where you hold your calls, consider investing in a ring light to make your smile really pop.

Consider a filter

Lots of online video hosting services have filter options to subtly smooth your complexion and brighten your smile. Just don’t go overboard! The best filters subtly enhance what you already have; if your colleagues barely recognize you when they dial in, your smile could be the talk of the office for all the wrong reasons!

Perfect your oral hygiene

There’s nothing like good oral hygiene for a camera-ready smile. Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and eating a healthy diet can all do wonders for a brighter smile. But what if you need a little extra help to make your smile really dazzle?


No matter how white your smile is or how good your angles are, nothing will make you look better on camera than simply letting your personality shine through. Try not to focus on how you look in that little square in the corner – even turn off the self view if possible! – and focus on making a genuine connection.

How Can I Perfect My Smile?

Whether your ideal smile includes whiter teeth or straighter teeth, your dental professional can help you achieve your goals. They’ll provide you with safe and effective options for a healthy smile you can enjoy on- and off-camera.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening

There are a number of over-the-counter whitening products that can help you whiten your smile at home, like toothpastes, LED devices, whitening strips and gels. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. If you experience any pain while using over-the-counter teeth whitening products, stop using them immediately and contact a dental professional.

Professional whitening treatments

If you need more whitening power than you can get from at-home products, see your dentist about a professional in-office treatment. Professional teeth whitening typically only requires one or two appointments and gives more dramatic results than over-the-counter products. Your dentist can also offer you convenient take-away kits so you can whiten your teeth at home.


 Broken, chipped, crooked or stained teeth can really knock your confidence, on camera and off. Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells made from porcelain or a composite resin, which are bonded to the surface of your teeth to improve their shape and/or color. They look very natural and can last for more than ten years, and the non-invasive procedure doesn’t require any anesthetic.

Teeth aligners

 If your teeth are crooked or crowded, clear teeth aligners are a great alternative to traditional metal braces. They’re barely visible when you’re wearing them, and you can take them out to clean your teeth rather than trying to maneuver around metal brackets and wires.

As video calls become the norm, feeling confident on camera is more important than ever. Follow this advice for how to smile on camera, and talk to your dentist about the wide range of options for giving your smile a boost – on camera and off.


Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 


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What's behind your smile?

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