What Causes Tooth Decay?

Whenever food is consumed, the bacteria naturally found inside the mouth work to break it down, causing acid to develop. This acid can break down the structure of your teeth, as well as destroy tooth enamel and dentin, resulting in the common oral disease of tooth decay. Although anyone can develop this condition due to the presence of bacteria in all our mouths, children are considered one of the most at-risk groups for developing tooth decay, and cavities. Practicing good oral hygiene and changing certain parts of your lifestyle can help to minimize this risk.

Visit the Dentist

One of the most effective ways to help eliminate the risk of developing tooth decay is to take your child to the dentist for regular cleanings and oral exams. The American Dental Association recommends that children visit the dentist within six months of developing their first tooth, no later than 12 months of age. Regular visits to the dentist can help in diagnosing and treating any conditions that could result in damage to your children's teeth.

Brush Regularly

Brushing your child's teeth regularly is also an important step in preventing cavities; brushing should occur at least twice each day. When possible, brush after each meal and just before bedtime. There are a variety of toothbrush and toothpaste options you can purchase that are specifically suited for the oral care needs of children. Learn more about children's dental care products in the Colgate Oral Care resources.

Watch Their Diet

The foods and beverages you give your child are just as important as the oral care practices they follow. It's important to feed your children foods that are nutritious; foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as candy, cakes, sticky foods, and snacks should only be consumed in moderation. When your children do consume these foods, it is important to brush their teeth immediately, since carbohydrates tend to adhere to the surface of the teeth.

The best way to avoid cavities is to prevent tooth decay in the first place. By instilling proper oral hygiene practices and making certain lifestyle choices you can help ensure your child’s teeth stay healthy for a lifetime.


Can you naturally stop tooth decay?

In addition to avoiding sugary drinks and snacks and practicing proper dental hygiene, there may be some things you can do to help prevent tooth decay. Ensuring that you have adequate levels of Vitamin D for example. Teeth are made up of minerals to keep them strong and Vitamin D helps the body release calcium and re-mineralize teeth which may lower your risk for cavities. A study conducted by the Department of Pedodontics showed that children with lower levels of this vitamin were at higher risk for developing cavities.  

What are some sugar alternatives that won’t harm teeth?

Many dentists recommend the use of xylitol sweetened candies or gum if a sugar craving hits. This natural sweetener made from sugar alcohols doesn’t create the acids that sugar does, meaning it can help to fight plaque building bacteria instead of contributing to it. A bonus to chewing this type of gum after meals (when you can’t brush) is that it can help stimulate saliva production to wash away food particles and bacteria before they can harm your teeth.  

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.


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2.3 billion

people worldwide suffer from tooth decay


What's behind your smile?

Take our Oral Health assessment to get the most from your oral care routine


2.3 billion

people worldwide suffer from tooth decay