1. Difficulty Eating

It takes some practice to eat with dentures. When you first get your new dentures, eating may be difficult. When you bite down or chew, your dentures could slip out of position. Certain foods, like nuts and seeds, can get stuck under your dentures and cause discomfort. To overcome these problems, stick to easy-to-eat foods when your dentures are new. Eat soft foods and cut them into small pieces to make chewing easier. To keep your dentures stable, try to chew your food with both sides of your mouth simultaneously.

As you get used to your dentures, you'll become more confident with your eating skills. People who wear dentures can eventually eat most of the same foods they ate before dentures.

2. Trouble Speaking

Speaking can be difficult when you have new dentures. They may feel like a foreign object in your mouth, and that can interfere with speech. Learning how to move your tongue around them to form the correct sounds can be challenging, but speaking with dentures will become second nature in time.

When you get your new dentures, practice speaking in private. Try reading aloud from your favorite book or talking to yourself until you feel comfortable. Singing along with your favorite songs can also help you get used to forming words. You'll feel confident speaking with your new dentures before you know it.

3. Denture Slippage

You may occasionally notice that your dentures slip out of position. This can sometimes happen when you smile, laugh, cough, eat or speak. If your new dentures slip out of place, gently reposition them by biting down and swallowing.

Over time, you'll learn to hold your dentures in place with the muscles in your cheeks and tongue. Denture adhesive is also helpful for keeping your dentures in place. See your dentist if you find you're not getting used to your new dentures, and the slipping continues. The dentures may need to be adjusted to fit more snugly.

4. Cleaning Problems

You may find your daily cleaning can take some getting used to since cleaning dentures. Do not fear! Practice makes perfect. You may also discover that you're not cleaning your dentures often enough, not using the right cleaners, or damaging your dentures as you clean them. Fortunately, these problems are all avoidable.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing your dentures daily. You can use toothbrushes with an advanced multi-action bristle and a non-abrasive cleaner. Avoid regular toothpaste because they are abrasive and can scratch your dentures. Instead, use a commercial denture cleaner. You can also use mild hand soap or dishwashing liquid to clean dentures safely.

To brush your dentures, you need to remove them from your mouth. If you're not careful, you could drop your new dentures while you're brushing them. This could lead to chips, breaks, or other damage. To protect your dentures, you can lay a towel in the bottom of your sink to cushion the dentures if they fall. Filling the sink with water is another option.

Getting used to your new pair of dentures will take some time. Be patient, and before you know it, your denture problems will resolve. If you have lingering denture problems, don't hesitate to see your dental professional for help.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.


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What's behind your smile?

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2.3 billion

people worldwide suffer from tooth decay