Braces and Teeth Color Correction

Wondering which color braces you should get? You might think the best color for your bands is white, but they’re not a great idea in reality. They can make your teeth look dull in contrast, and they stain over time. It’s also best to stay away from band colors like brown or green because someone could mistake them for bits of food stuck in your teeth. Other colors that you might want to avoid include yellow or orange because they can make your teeth look more yellow than they are.

Instead, consider darker colors because they make your teeth look whiter.

Get Festive with Color

Did you know you can change your bands as often as every four to six weeks? That means you can change your braces color inspired by your mood, an upcoming holiday, or even a special event. Here are some fun ideas for inspiration:

  • The colors of your favorite team or your school
  • Red, white, and blue for the summer
  • Orange for the fall
  • Red and green for Christmas

You can also get glow-in-the-dark bands, so you can surprise people at night when they shine neon green!

Ceramic Versus Metal Braces

Sometimes orthodontists might recommend that you use ceramic braces. The brackets on ceramic braces are tooth-colored, so they're less visible than traditional braces. It's important to note that while this type of braces can be self-ligating, you may sometimes need conventional elastic bands to hold the wire in the bracket slot.

However, ceramic braces can't correct all types of orthodontic problems. And since they're more fragile than metal braces, they move teeth more slowly because repairing broken brackets at each appointment can delay the straightening process. So which do you choose: ceramic or metal braces? Consulting with your orthodontist can help you decide.

Braces and Proper Care

Whichever type of braces you decide to get, proper oral care is crucial. Braces make brushing especially difficult because food particles can get stuck between your teeth and the bands. Consider getting a toothbrush that has floss bristles to clean between your teeth.

But with a little practice and attention, you won’t have too much trouble keeping your braces clean. Remember that your diet matters and that you should avoid sugary and sticky foods. If you're wearing ceramic braces, it's worth avoiding foods that stain, like blueberries, tea, and soda. If you decide to consume one of these foods, don't forget to rinse your mouth after eating.

You might worry that braces will cramp your style, but this doesn’t have to be the case at all! Your braces can be an extension of your style. And with just a little care, you can make sure your braces stay clean and the colors vibrant so that you remain confident.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.


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