More About This Condition

Along with the mouth sores, this condition may also cause headache, fever, loss of appetite and a sore throat making swallowing very painful. The mouth sores resemble small fluid-filled bumps or blisters that appear white or whitish gray with a red border. They are visible on the roof of the mouth, back of the throat, and other fixed areas inside the mouth. Fever onset can be quick and range from 101 to as high as 106. Avoiding dehydration with palliative remedies is paramount.

Relieving Discomfort

Since this condition is viral, treating the symptoms is all you can do to make your child comfortable. Most often, herpangina is diagnosed by a healthcare professional, but it is considered mild and has no specific treatment. Some suggestions to relieve symptoms are:

  • Reducing pain and fever with ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Increasing cold fluids or foods, like sugar-free ice pops
  • Eating a non-irritating, bland diet
  • Gargling with cool water or Peroxyl

Trying to maintain the oral environment while your child is sick may be a challenge, but encourage or assist with toothbrushing and other oral hygiene routines. Swish with a mouthwash to promote the healing of minor mouth irritations. But be sure to check in with your dentist that a rinse is age-appropriate before incorporating it into your child's oral care routine.

Like many other viruses, herpangina is contagious and can be spread easily to classmates or siblings. It is important to take precautions like good hand hygiene and disinfecting surfaces your child has touched. Perhaps most important is isolating your ill child and keeping them home from school or daycare until they have completely recovered.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 


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