What many parents don't know is that food plays an important role in having healthy teeth. What you feed your children for dinner can directly impact the health and strength of their growing teeth, making dinner choices even more significant.

Healthy Dinners for Kids

If you are looking for ways to make tooth-friendly dinners, try incorporating these foods into your children's diet:

  1. Chicken: This lean meat is a good source of protein and helps maintain the strength of your child's teeth.

  2. Cheese: With so many varieties to choose from, you're likely to find a cheese your child will like. This calcium-rich food helps to generate saliva and wash food particles away. Choose a lowfat cheese to maintain healty teeth and a healthy diet.

  3. Milk: Calcium is important to build strong bones and teeth. Make sure your kids have at least one serving of calcium with every meal.

  4. Fish: This healthy food is good for more than your heart. Fish is full of vitamin D, a mineral necessary for good oral health.

  5. Vegetables and Fruits: Not all fruits and veggies are created equal. Serve your children fruits and vegetables that have a high volume of water like cucumbers, celery, pears, and melons. Bananas and other fruits high in sugar can hurt your child's teeth, if they don't brush right away.

  6. Leafy Greens: Vitamin K has been shown to improve the health of bones and teeth. Foods like kale, spinach, collards, and turnip greens are high in vitamin K.

  7. Consistency. Continue to offer your children healthy dinner options. Even if you are slowly incorporating vegetables, lean meats, and fruit, do so every day.

It is important for parents to help their children set habits for a healthy and long life. By following these tips and staying consistent your children will begin to enjoy healthy food and develop positive habits that last a lifetime. Eating well and brushing after meals can help your children have healthy teeth and prevent cavities. For more tips on how to keep your family healthy, visit the Colgate Oral Care resources.


Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 



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