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3 Month old teething: How Do I Know If My Baby Is Teething

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Determining what's wrong with a fussy baby is a tough part of parenting. When your baby is fed, changed and otherwise healthy, but still fussing, you may find yourself wondering, how do I know if my baby is teething? Look for these signs and symptoms to help you find out.

Rubbing Their Gums and Drooling

Babies generally love to put things in their mouths, but when the teething process begins the process of rubbing things on their gums may become excessive. Putting something in their mouth, from a teething ring to rubbing the site of the gum tissue, is a definite sign that your baby could be cutting a tooth. Make sure to keep any unsafe items that pose a choking hazard out of your baby's reach and offer soft teething toys to chew on.

Along with this process, you may find that your little one has turned into a fountain of drool. Some babies will drool so much that they may soak their clothes and develop a rash on their cheeks and chin. To keep your baby comfortable, and rash-free, gently dry his chin and change wet clothes throughout the day.


Some babies cut their teeth with no fussiness, but for others the teething process can be difficult and painful. If your baby seems cranky or is crying, despite otherwise being healthy, it may be a sign that a tooth will be pushing its way through the gums soon.


If your once great sleeper has begun waking up at night or is refusing to take naps, it may be a sign of teething. Even adults have a difficult time sleeping when they are experiencing discomfort, and the same is true for your baby. You may both lose a little rest, but be assured that your little one will likely get back to him old sleep patterns once his tooth has erupted.

Loss of Appetite

If your baby is on a nursing strike, it may be a teething symptom. Sucking on a bottle or nursing can irritate sore gums. Just keep trying to feed him until the pain subsides. If you are concerned that your baby isn't eating enough be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

Serious Symptoms

Symptoms like fever and diarrhea may also have you asking, how do I know if my baby is teething? Although some parents believe these signs are linked to teething, there is no scientific evidence to back it up. If your baby experiences a high fever or diarrhea, it's important to consult your doctor.

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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.