a woman using dental floss

Improve Gum Health in Less Than 5 Minutes

You care for your teeth, because you want a healthy, bright smile. But do you realise that your gums play a vital role in the health and beauty of your smile?

Without proper gum care, several conditions could cause problems affecting the look and feel of your entire mouth. Learn why healthy gums are so important – and how to improve gum health in 5 minutes or less.

Why Do Gums Matter?

Even if you've heard of gum problems, do you really know what it is? You could have it without knowing. Early-stage gum problems isn't obvious, and it doesn't cause pain.

A leading cause of tooth loss in adults, gum problems start with plaque build-up. The plaque can harden into dental tartar, and you might experience swollen gum tissue. You can reverse early-stage gum problems with our 5-minute at-home healthy-gum process.

You will, however, need professional treatment if your gum problems develop into periodontitis, the next stage of gum problems. Periodontitis can result in the development of periodontal pockets and bone loss, which could lead to tooth loss. That's why gums matter.

Talk to your dental professionals if you experience:

Improve Gum Health

You can prevent or reverse gum problems with simple steps that take just a few minutes. And, yes, these steps are also the best way to keep your teeth cavity-free.

For five minutes each day:

  1. Clean between your teeth. Floss or use an interdental product to remove plaque both from between your teeth and under your gums between your teeth – before it can harden into tartar.
  2. Brush with a plaque-removing fluoride toothpaste. If you use a battery-operated or electric toothbrush, follow the package directions for brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue. If you use a manual toothbrush, follow these easy steps:
    • Proper Angle: Make sure you hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle towards the gumline.
    • Short Strokes: Move the brush back and forth in short, gentle strokes, brushing both the front and back of your teeth and gums.
    • Tip Top: To get behind your front teeth, use the brush's tip on the top and bottom teeth.
    • Tongue Attention: Use a lighter touch to brush away germs from your tongue.
  3. Rinse with an antigerm mouthwash designed to help prevent plaque.

Did You Know? You should brush twice a day for two minutes each time, spending 30 seconds on each quarter of your teeth.

To ensure your gum-healthy routine is working, visit your dentist regularly for check-ups. These visits are also essential for regular professional cleanings that remove every bit of plaque and tartar that slipped you by.

Though five minutes or less is what you need at the very least, you can also make conscious lifestyle choices that will further strengthen your gums and teeth:

  • Limit sugary, sticky, or starchy foods. Germs gobble up the sugars in these foods to produce the acids leading to tooth decay.
  • Avoid cigarettes and tobacco products. Smoking weakens your immune system, making it harder to defend your body against germs, including gum problems.

If you plan on keeping your natural teeth for a lifetime, give your gums some loving care for 0.0035 percent of each 1,440-minute day. That's not a lot of time, and it will save you countless hours you might need for gum problem treatments. Healthy gums make for happy teeth!

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