What Are Teeth Made Of?
Your teeth are composed of multiple layers that include both hard and soft tissue. Enamel, dentin and cementum are the harder sections, whereas pulp is the softer portion of the tooth.
Enamel is the hard outer layer made of minerals like calcium phosphate. Even though calcium phosphate is in your bones, enamel is actually harder than your bones. In fact, it's the hardest substance in your body. Unlike your bones, enamel doesn't contain any living tissues.
Beneath your tooth's enamel, there's a bone-like tissue called dentin, which makes up most of your teeth's structure. It's susceptible to the germs that cause tooth sensitivity and cavities.
Cementum is present in the next layer. It's a bone-like structure that surrounds the root of your tooth. It helps to attach the tooth to the bone surrounding the tooth. It's mostly made of type I collagen and protein polysaccharides.
The soft core of your tooth is called the pulp. The pulp is a living tissue that contains connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.