Tea tree oil is a popular component of various at-home dental remedies, said to help control plaque, freshen breath, ease tooth pain, and treat periodontal disease. And natural, DIY remedies are attractive to people for many reasons, not least because tooth pain can strike at times when the dentist's office isn't open. There's a big "but" coming, however: the oil can be toxic if ingested, so it must be used in products that are spit out, such as toothpaste and mouthwash. The threshold of human toxicity when tea tree oil is consumed orally isn't well understood, either. That's why it's so important to check with a health professional before trying products or remedies that are new to you. Talk to your dentist before trying any at-home oral care remedies. To learn more about tea tree oil and your teeth, consider these three common questions along with their answers.

Tea Tree Oil & Your Teeth
What Is Tea Tree Oil?
When we talk about tea tree oil, we're referring to pure essential oil from a shrubby tree from the Melaleuca genus — usually Melaleuca alternifolia, a shrubby tree native to Australia. Fragrance oils and blended oils won't have the same benefits as 100% tea tree essential oil. The volatile oil distilled from the plant has a sharp, camphorous odour, and it's traditionally popular in home remedies. It turns out this popularity has scientific backing — a variety of clinical studies have shown the oil to have anti-germ, antifungal, and antiviral activity.
Can Tea Tree Oil Help My Teeth?
In theory, the properties in tea tree essential oil can help control germs in the mouth. This can help keep mouths healthy, avoiding tooth cavities and plaque build-up. Plaque build-up is related to periodontal disease, which can lead to complications like receding gums. The tricky part is that you don't want to ingest tea tree oil. The Mayo Clinic says tea tree oil is generally considered safe when applied topically, but to avoid oral use, as it can be toxic when swallowed.
How Can I Use Tea Tree Oil For Oral Care?
Some people advocate making DIY toothpastes and mouthwashes with tea tree oil with the caveat that it should always be completely spit out and never swallowed. If that seems like a risky proposition, a more straightforward way to approach tea tree oil might be to look for products that contain tea tree oil, and ask your dentist about those specific products. If there are people in your household who might not understand that these products shouldn't be swallowed, such as children, consider keeping them out of reach or opting for products with other types of active ingredients.
Tea Tree Oil for Oral Health
In general, tea tree essential oil seems to show promise for the support of oral health. Research supports claims of the oil's antimicrobial properties, and hopefully more research into the use of tea tree oil for oral care will add to our body of knowledge. If you are interested in using tea tree oil, ask your dentist about products containing the ingredient.
Be sure not to swallow any preparations made with tea tree oil, as it can be toxic when consumed orally.
The above information is provided for informational purposes only. Colgate does not accept any liability should the above recommendations have an outcome contrary to the intended result. Always seek the advice of a qualified doctor or dental professional.
Do not disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this article.