To understand why exposed dentin is a challenge to be solved, here's a mini-lesson on teeth:
- Enamel is the outer layer of each tooth. You can see it as a superhero, since enamel is the hardest substance in our entire bodies and helps protect against tooth sensitivity. Yay for enamel!
- Directly beneath enamel is the dentin layer. Though considerably softer than enamel, it supports your tooth's structure – hurray, dentin! Dentin contains thousands of microscopic tubules with nerve endings connecting directly to the inner pulp of the tooth.
- Dental pulp contains the nerve fibre that interprets everything as pain. Yikes!
If your enamel wears away to expose your dentin, cold, heat, pressure, or almost anything can cause sensitivity. To learn how to prevent exposed dentin, first be aware of the causes. If you already have exposed dentin, know what treatments are at the ready.