Teeth Patrol
For children ages 5-6

Join the Teeth Patrol
To protect and guard our teeth.
On the Teeth Patrol
Safety is our goal!
We never chew on hard things like pencils, rocks or ice.
'Cause chewing down on hard things hurts and isn't nice.
We always pick our toys up – don't let them lie about.
'Cause tripping over toys might knock a tooth right out!
C'mon and join the Teeth Patrol
To protect and guard our teeth.
On the Teeth Patrol
Safety is our goal!
We never push each other no matter what we do –
At the fountain for a drink, or when we tie our shoe.
We always use our seatbelt when riding in a car.
It keeps us snugly seated so we can't fall too far.
(Repeat Chorus)
Everybody march!
Left, left, left right left!
Left, left, left right left!
We're careful on the playground . . . watch out for swings and stuff.
We don't go down the slide head first – never get too rough!
(Repeat Chorus Twice)
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