Baby Teething Timeline
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Baby Teething Timeline: What to Expect

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Teething is a big part of your baby's first year of development. While every baby is different, here is a typical baby teething timeline that can help you, as a first-time parent, navigate through this exciting yet often painful time for your little one.

Before Baby is Born

Tooth development begins during the first six weeks of gestation, and tooth buds begin to form under the gums during the eighth week of gestation. These tooth buds remain in this state throughout the rest of the pregnancy and after your baby is born.

Four to Twelve Months

Babies generally begin teething anywhere between the ages of four months and six months. The process begins as the roots begin to grow, forcing the tooth up. This puts pressure on the baby's gums causing some discomfort. At this point on the baby teething timeline, you will begin to notice some signs that the teething process has begun.

Some common teething symptoms include:

  • Biting
  • Drooling
  • Gum Rubbing
  • Sucking
  • Irritability
  • Decreased Appetite
  • Mild Temperature

Within the first year, your baby can cut as many as six teeth. The first teeth to grow are typically the two bottom front teeth, also known as the central incisors. Generally, these teeth will not cause as much discomfort for your baby, because these teeth are thinner with a more pointed edge, allowing them to slide through the gums more easily. Next, the top four teeth, called the central and lateral incisors, will begin to come through. At this point, your baby will be able to make good use of these new teeth, and this will be a good time to introduce your child to more solid foods.

One to Three Years

By your child's first birthday, it is recommended that you schedule their first dentist appointment to ensure you are taking the best care of their first teeth. Also around this time, your baby's first molars will begin to push their way through the gums. Molars are often more painful since they have more of a flat surface versus the incisors which were more pointed.

Between the ages of one and three your baby will grow their full set of 20 teeth.

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