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Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding: Five Signs You Need One

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Bruxism is the medical term for grinding your teeth. Sleep bruxism is so common among highly stressed employees- sometimes ranging between 8% to 30%, as quoted by Dr. Smeena Ali, in an article published by the The Times Of India.

From the occasional sore jaw to chronic grinding, it can be a serious problem. Whether the grinding is new or a lifelong habit, it is often difficult to tell whether it is a mere annoyance or a serious problem. If you experience one of the following, it may be time to visit your dentist to talk about a mouth guard for teeth grinding.

You Chip a Tooth

Not only will a chipped tooth require dental care for repair, it can also be a sign that your teeth grinding has become more serious. As you touch your teeth together and grind back and forth, you can put a lot of pressure on the enamel — in your sleep, no less — that you could actually damage your teeth. This can be expensive to fix and can even lead to cavities. So it is best to talk to your dentist about a mouth guard before you chip more teeth.

You Have Chronic Grinding

Some people grind periodically because of temporary issues, such as stress at work. If your bruxism is chronic, meaning you grind most nights, it is probably best to see your dentist about a mouth guard for teeth grinding. While it might not stop the actual clenching of your jaw, a mouth guard can minimize the negative effects on your teeth if you are grinding every night.

You Wake Up with a Headache

Do you feel as though you have a raging headache every morning? It could be the result of grinding all through the night. A mouth guard might not stop you from grinding altogether, but it may help. Talk to your dentist about the options that are available to you. In an article published on India Today, are listed the common causes, treatment options and most importantly the exercises for relaxation to help you wind down at night so that you will be less likely to grind. Your dentist can suggest other ways to minimize teeth grinding.

You Have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) occurs when the muscles around the jaw become inflamed, which sometimes happens as the result of clenching the teeth together and grinding against the teeth. If your dentist diagnoses you with this disorder, ask about a mouth guard. A mouth guard will prevent your teeth from clenching and grinding, thus reducing some of the pain associated with TMJD.

You Take Antidepressants

If you regularly take antidepressants, talk to your dentist about a mouth guard. A study published in a 2012 issue of Clinics found that Paroxetine, the main ingredient in some antidepressants, can cause night time teeth grinding. If you take certain medicines, such as Paxil, you may need to protect your teeth against those side effects. You can also talk to your doctor about adjusting your dosage or switching to another antidepressant if grinding becomes a problem.

Teeth grinding is a common issue, but you need not have to suffer. By making an appointment with your dentist, you can set up a time to talk about mouth guards and other ways to cope with and cure the behaviour.


This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.