Your pearly whites will look even brighter when they are nourished and strong. To ensure that your smile never loses its charm, it is essential to safeguard your teeth from plaque bacteria.
Every time you eat something, plaque bacteria in your mouth feast on leftover food particles in between your teeth and gums. They release acid as a by-product, which damages the enamel coating on your teeth and causes necessary minerals to erode from the tooth surface. Because the acid is produced shortly after eating or drinking, your mouth will most likely be acidic for 30 to 60 minutes. When the acidic by-product of plaque wears away at the enamel of the teeth, demineralization occurs. Mineral compounds such as calcium and phosphate contribute significantly to the strength and hardness of enamel. When a tooth decays, the minerals in the tooth begin to wear away (hence "demineralization"), making the enamel porous and potentially leading to cavities or other dental issues. Demineralization is a natural process that occurs during the lifetime of a tooth. The body is constantly working to counteract the effects of tooth demineralization through the remineralization process.
Enamel Armor: How the remineralization process strengthens your teeth
Remineralization process is a natural method of tooth repair. It replaces lost minerals in the teeth to keep them strong and prevent tooth decay. The minerals combine to form hydroxyapatite, which serves as a building block for your teeth enamel and provides strength. One more very important way to promote remineralization is to keep the pH level of the saliva balanced. The pH is a scale of values that indicates the level of acidity or alkalinity of a substance. It is measured from 0 to 14, with zero being the most acidic level, 14 being the most alkaline level, and 7 being the perfect balance between the two extremes. For example, saliva's normal pH range is 5.6 to 7.9. If the pH is less than 5.6, it is considered acidic and causes demineralization. Once the acids have been neutralized, the pH is optimal for the remineralization process of enamel.
The New Strong: arginine-powered remineralization process for brighter smiles
To support the remineralization process, recent clinical studies have shown that a toothpaste containing 1.5% arginine, an insoluble calcium compound, and fluoride was found to reduce caries increments in low- and
[13] NIH: The combined antimicrobial effect of arginine and fluoride combined toothpaste
[14] In-situ clinical effects of new dentifrices containing arginine
moderate-risk children, arrest and reverse lesions in children and adults, and have superior caries benefits compared to a regular toothpaste. [15]
Arginine is an amino acid that helps our mouth fight against tooth decay. A new evolutionary toothpaste with a unique formula that uses arginine, fluoride, and natural calcium to build the fundamentals of the "New Strong"; it provides twice the remineralization. Early caries is reversed twice as much as before, and teeth are twice as strong. [16] To learn more about the benefits of nourishing your teeth with the combination of arginine, fluoride, and natural calcium, ask your dentist to know more.