Look Out for Gum Disease and Other Conditions
Beyond tooth decay and toothaches, expecting mothers might experience other oral ailments. These issues can result from not stepping up your oral health care routine or from increased hormones. Whatever the cause, be aware of them so you can consult your dentist as soon as possible.
Gum Disease and Pregnancy Gingivitis: It's not unusual for an expectant mother to experience bleeding gums when brushing or flossing. Hormonal changes that come along with pregnancy can cause inflammation, sometimes called pregnancy gingivitis.
To keep this condition from developing into more serious gum disease, follow the enhanced home care routine we presented. Your dentist may recommend more frequent cleanings to prevent your sensitive gums from becoming more irritated.
Pregnancy "Tumours" on Gums: Occasionally, in the second trimester, a raw-looking swelling of gum tissue grows between the teeth. These so-called benign pregnancy "tumours" bleed easily and might result from excessive plaque.
If you think you've developed one of these "tumours," check in with your dental professionals. But take heart: They usually go away after improved oral hygiene and the baby is born.
Loose Teeth: This is another not-so-common complication of pregnancy. Loose teeth can result even in the absence of gum disease due to hormones affecting the ligaments that hold your teeth in the bone. If you notice any new tooth mobility, see your dentist immediately.
For a safe, healthy pregnancy and your baby's health, make your oral health a priority. See your dental professionals immediately before or after you're pregnant – or if you develop any oral issues during your pregnancy. Avoid toothaches and other dental conditions by stepping up your oral care game. Talk to your prenatal doctor about safe pain relievers. And soon you can shower your new-born baby with happy, healthy smiles.