Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief
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Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief: How to Find Comfort

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Although you probably don't remember teething as a baby, the arrival of your wisdom teeth can remind you of what toddlers suffer through: tender gums, aching teeth and pain. Beyond making you more sympathetic to a teething tot, wisdom teeth pain can also herald some potential problems in your dental health.

By understanding the cause of your sore gums and how wisdom teeth may play a part, you can find a method of wisdom teeth pain relief that reduces the aching sensation in the interim.

Wisdom Teeth 101

Wisdom teeth usually make their appearance between the ages of 17 and 21, though it's possible for them to push through earlier or later. Referred to as your "third molars," these four teeth begin to break through the gums like any other tooth, which can cause pain. However, wisdom teeth are much more likely to grow in at an incorrect angle – even sideways – causing impaction that can radiate this pain to the teeth in front of it. The NHS warns that wisdom teeth can also lead to a host of other issues, such as tooth decay, infections, abscesses, and even cysts, so it's important to talk to your dentist when your wisdom teeth do come in.

For most, wisdom teeth removal is a good option. Until then, however, you'll need to confront the soreness naturally.

 Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief

Even though wisdom teeth pain can be really uncomfortable, luckily, there are many natural and medical remedies you can try that will hopefully offer some pain relief until you can see a dentist. We’ve listed some options below that may be able to help reduce pain in your teeth and gums:

Natural Remedies for Wisdom Teeth Pain

Saltwater Rinse

Rinsing your mouth can help you find relief from wisdom teeth pain, so try this simple remedy: Mix a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt, and stir to dissolve. Swish this in your mouth for about 30 to 60 seconds before spitting it into the sink. You can repeat as necessary throughout the day.

Cloves and Clove Oil

As an old wives' remedy, Net Doctor suggests using cloves or clove oil as a way to appease toothaches and wisdom teeth pain naturally. The best part? There's a good chance you already have cloves in your kitchen cabinet. Take a whole clove (don't crush or cut it) and place it in your mouth, directly on the spot causing the most irritation. Keep the clove in your mouth until you experience a numbing sensation. You can also use clove oil: Simply dab some on a cotton ball or swab and brush it gently over your sore gums.

Peppermint Oil

The menthol found in peppermint may be also able to offer a cooling effect. Soak a cotton pad in peppermint extract and apply it to your gums; you can also apply the oil directly onto the sore area. Peppermint tea can also work as a mouth rinse once it’s cooled.

Ice Packs

Holding a freezing ice pack wrapped in a cloth or towel against your cheek on the side that is painful can be an effective remedy, as cold has a numbing effect. You may also prefer to use a warm heat pack depending on what works best for your pain – some people even like to switch between hot and cold packs! You can repeat this for a few minutes at a time throughout the day, whenever you need some relief.

Other natural remedies that may help to reduce pain in your teeth and gums include:

  • Aloe vera
  • Oregano, thyme, lavender or tea tree oils
  • Crushed garlic and ginger
  • Menthol
  • Turmeric
  • Wheatgrass [kw1]

Medical Remedies for Wisdom Teeth Pain

If natural remedies don’t seem to do the trick, you can also try medicated products like gels that offer a numbing effect or painkillers* that can help to relieve wisdom teeth pain:


Numbing wisdom teeth is a simple way to dull the pain, particularly if the pain is disrupting your day and doesn't seem to settle through other methods. Consider spreading a gel-based product onto your gums where wisdom teeth are protruding. You'll get the best results if you use a cloth to dry the area before adding the gel. Apply as needed throughout the day.


Of course, over-the-counter pain relief* can definitely help you get rid of that throbbing sensation so you can concentrate on your day. Just be sure to always read the packaging directions, especially where dosage is concerned.

Other medical remedies that can help include:

  • Paracetamol
  • Aspirin
  • Acupuncture [kw2]

Although you can find relief at home when your wisdom teeth start to make their appearance, it's important to remember most pain-relieving measures are a temporary fix. You'll still need to make an appointment with your doctor to determine if your wisdom teeth should stay in your mouth or be removed by an oral surgeon. Whether you can just grin and bear it or your dentist recommends removal, it takes a pro's opinion to help you understand how to best deal with your third molars.

When To Seek Professional Help for Wisdom Teeth Pain

You should always make an appointment to see your dentist if your wisdom teeth are causing severe pain or you notice a bad/metallic taste in your mouth. This could be a sign of infection and you may need a course of antibiotics to clear it. If you have ongoing pain, your dentist will be able to take x-rays of your mouth to check on the positioning of the wisdom teeth. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, they might decide that removing the painful tooth (or all of your wisdom teeth) is the best course of action. [kw3]

*Always speak to a dental professional before taking any medication.

[kw1] https://www.healthline.com/health/wisdom-teeth-pain-relief#home-remedies

[kw2] https://www.healthline.com/health/wisdom-teeth-pain-relief#medical-treatments

[kw3] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/wisdom-tooth-removal/#:~:text=You%20should%20make%20an%20appointment,X%2Dray%20of%20your%20mouth

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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.