Colgate® Zig Zag®Colgate Zig Zag, one of India’s leading toothbrush brands, is now equipped with 100% antibacterial bristles, transforming into Colgate Zig Zag Anti-Bacterial. Infused with Silver Ions, these unique bristles inhibit bacteria build up on the bristle surface. Silver Ions (Ag+) attach themselves to the cell membrane on the surface of the antibacterial product. Incoming cell's protein wrapped bacteria will be destroyed on contact with the metal ion. Destroyed bacteria becomes extinct when it comes in contact with air, keeping the surface bacteria-free. Is your toothbrush a taxi for germs to enter your mouth? Switch to Colgate ZigZag Antibacterial Toothbrush

a germ free mouth

100% antibacterial bristles

Multi angle cross bristles

Soft Tongue cleaner

Germ build up



Bad breath