You have braces to create a healthier, beautiful smile. That takes time. You’ll have your braces on for a while. In the meantime, you’re thinking about whitening your teeth. Can you whiten your teeth when you have braces? What are the challenges you’ll face? Here’s what we can tell you.
How To Whiten With Braces
Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications
Whitening Toothpaste
If you have braces, whitening toothpaste may be your best solution. They remove surface stains without bleaching. Plus, they have enamel-strengthening fluoride. Whitening toothpaste does not change the colour of your teeth, so you won’t have any unpleasant surprises when it’s time for your braces to come off.
You have braces, and you are thinking of whitening your teeth. In-office bleaching treatments and at-home treatments can work, but they have limitations. It may be best to use whitening toothpaste to remove stains for now and wait until your braces are removed to go for a more professional whitening treatment.