Get the angle right
When taking a selfie, it is important to get the angle right. Tilting your chin down a bit will make you look more slender and elegant. You will create a more graceful smile. Keeping the camera above eye level is also more flattering. You will avoid that pesky double chin and distortion of facial features while making your smile look brighter.
Place your tongue behind your teeth
You can give your smile a more natural look by placing the tip of your tongue behind all teeth when it is spread out. This will help avoid an over-wide grin, making you come off as goofy in pictures.
Do not let your top and bottom teeth touch each other
This is a tip that many people are unaware of, but it can make all the difference in your smile. When you smile, if the top row and bottom teeth touch together (or even slightly), this puts pressure on the skin around the neck, causing muscles to tense up or bulge out unattractively. Keep space between them for a more natural appearance.
Stop saying cheese
Although the traditional "cheese" smile is often used in photographs, it is not always the most flattering. In fact, it can make your teeth look less attractive! So next time you take a selfie or pose for a photoshoot, try one of these tips instead. You will be surprised at how great your photos turn out!
Wear a lipstick that makes your teeth look better
There are a lot of different shades and types of lipstick out there, but it is important to find one that makes your teeth look their best. Avoid dark colours and matte formulas, as they will make your teeth appear dull and less white. Instead, go for a light pink or nude lipstick colour for whiter teeth that will help you stand out.
Feel good with a good outfit
Finding clothes that make you look and feel great is also one way to enhance your smile. When it comes time for your big photoshoot, do not forget to wear something flattering! It will raise your confidence in yourself that goes miles in capturing beautiful moments on camera.