Why Do Crowns Come Off?

According to a study published in the Journal of International Oral Health, some of the main reasons dental crowns may become loose and detached from teeth include:

  • Short clinical preparations: If a prepared tooth is too short, there simply may not be enough tooth structure to retain the crown.
  • Poor tooth foundations: If a tooth needs a crown because it is badly broken or decayed, the tooth may not be strong enough to hold the crown.
  • Angle of the restoration: If the crown preparation is at an unfavorable angle, it may not stay secure.
  • Bruxism: Bruxism is the habit of grinding one's teeth, which people often do without realizing.
  • Chewing certain food: The National Institutes of Health recommends avoiding sticky foods, such as bagels and gummy bears, if you have a temporary crown. This is because these sticky foods may pull off the crown when chewing.
  • Few teeth remaining: The fewer teeth you have, the more force the remaining teeth will experience as you chew, swallow, etc. This places more stress on any remaining teeth that have been restored with crowns.

How Your Dentist Will Recement a Crown

The process of recementing a crown is not too different from the original restoration placement process. According to the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, recementing a crown involves the following steps:

  • Crown trial fit: Your dentist will make certain that the crown is intact and still fits properly. They will check that the edges are sealed, the areas of contact with adjacent teeth are sound and that the bite is accurate before proceeding.
  • Cementation: The cementation process typically involves cleaning and disinfecting the crown and the tooth, desensitizing the tooth if necessary and isolating the tooth from contamination. Your dentist will choose and mix the appropriate cement and apply it to the crown. They will then place the crown on the tooth under slight pressure.
  • Post-cementation assessment: After your crown has been recemented, you dentist will remove any excess cement and check that your bite is still aligned correctly with the newly cemented crown.

Caring for Your Crown

Excellent oral hygiene is critical in maintaining the strength of a crown. As the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry notes, recurrent cavities are the leading cause of crown failure. You must be meticulous at removing plaque every day to make certain that your crown is not subject to decay. However, if you do need a crown recemented, rest assured that your dentist will do everything they can to ensure it stays secure.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.