Toothbrush bristles. Dental floss. Sharp foods such as chips. Toothpicks or other pointy (such as a pencil) objects you may put in your mouth. Playing sports. These are all things that can lead to injuring your gums. Many cuts on gums heal just fine on their own. If you’re wondering how serious a gum cut can get or how to heal a cut on your gum, you’re in the right place!
If you suffer from a cut, rinse your mouth with salt water or an antiseptic rinse. Apply pressure to the area and ice. This will help stop the bleeding and help with any pain. If you continue to bleed, contact your dental professional. How long do cut gums take to heal? That depends on the individual and the type of injury. Most cuts heal on their own without medical attention. If your cut isn’t healing, definitely contact your dental or healthcare provider to find out if you need additional medical attention.
Kids, by nature, are at a greater risk of suffering from a mouth injury. They may happen during play or a sport. If your child gets a cut on his or her gum, here’s what you should do.
For adults and children. Contact your dental professional or doctor for these reasons:
Sometimes accidents happen. You bite down on a chip or pretzel, and inadvertently it cuts your gum. Or maybe you have a pencil or a toothpick in your mouth, and it slips and cuts your gum. To prevent cuts from happening, we’re not asking you to give up chips, but you may want to keep the sharp non-food items out of your mouth.
If you have an athlete in your family, and especially if they’re playing a contact sport, a mouthguard is a great way to help prevent oral injuries. They are available to buy ready-made or can be custom fit with the help of your dental professional. Not only will they save the wearer from possible gum injuries, but also broken teeth!
Your gums are an important part of your mouth. Like any part of your body, they can get injured. The good news is most gum cuts heal with a little TLC from you. However, if you have a cut that is longer than ½ inch, a puncture wound that happened with a rusty object, or it won’t stop bleeding, get in touch with your dental professional or your doctor. Take care of your gums so they can continue to take care of your teeth!
Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.
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