A little extra effort to care for your teeth while wearing braces is more than worth it. When you have straight teeth, you'll have a decreased risk of tooth decay, periodontal disease, and your gums may support your teeth better when they aren't overlapping. You also have a reduced risk of chipping, breaking, or wearing away your teeth when they fit together correctly. Braces could even relieve abnormal stress put on your jaw from misaligned teeth. All these benefits could very well be the reason that braces aren't just for children anymore. The American Association of Orthodontists reports a record number of patients over 18 seeking orthodontic treatment.
When you have the right cleaning products and know how to care for your teeth with braces, you may find that practicing good oral hygiene is easier than you thought:
If you find yourself without a toothbrush after eating a snack or a meal, a quick alternative is to swish water around your mouth to remove any food particles that might be stuck in your teeth.
Eating healthy foods is important if you wear braces because if you get sugary foods stuck in your brackets, it's more likely to cause tooth decay. Other foods you should avoid because they could damage your braces include:
When you first get braces, they can be uncomfortable, and practicing good oral hygiene can seem challenging. But much of the discomfort goes away, and like any new undertaking, when you do it enough, it merely becomes part of your routine. Before you know it, you'll be getting your braces removed with straight, pearly white teeth that will make you smile. (Don't forget to wear your retainer!)
Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.
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