If you have a yeast infection in your throat (also called oral thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis), something has changed the balance of microorganisms in your oral cavity for the yeast to begin growing at an abnormal rate. This can happen if you have a weakened immune system, you're taking antibiotics that have changed the balance of microbes in your mouth, or for other reasons that we'll get into below.
If you have oral thrush, you may have:
According to the American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, an oral yeast infection can cause a burning or itching sensation in your mouth, too. However, they also point out that you can have oral thrush and not have any symptoms at all.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cites the following people as being at higher risk for developing oral thrush:
If you or someone you know has symptoms of a yeast infection in the throat or mouth, the best thing you can do is make an appointment to see your doctor. They are best positioned to diagnose your condition by evaluating the symptoms in your mouth, and if they think you may have a yeast infection in your throat, they'll likely take a throat culture.
Suppose you have a yeast infection in your mouth or throat. In that case, your medical professional will likely address the health condition that led to the fungal overgrowth and prescribe an antifungal medication. These medications can come in the form of capsules, a mouthrinse, or even throat lozenges. If the first treatment isn't effective, they may prescribe stronger antifungal medications with a higher risk of side effects.
To help prevent future yeast infections in your mouth, the Mayo Clinic recommends the following:
Suppose you have a yeast infection in your mouth or throat. In that case, your medical professional is best positioned to diagnose you and provide you with treatment tailored to your specific needs. The good news is that in most cases, oral thrush is manageable. Suppose you have a more serious condition that has led to your oral thrush. In that case, we send you an abundance and love and support in your journey to recovery from whatever is ailing you. You can get through this!
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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