How to Relieve Sensitive Teeth

Depending on the cause, according to the American Dental Association (ADA), using desensitizing dental products as home treatments can suppress the sensitivity. Mouthwashes for sensitive teeth desensitize teeth in two major ways: by applying solutions that anesthetize the delicate tubules in the underlying dentin area of the teeth, and by coating your tooth enamel with materials that reinforce it and make it stronger. These strengthening compounds also fill in these microscopic tubules that lead into the inner tooth pulp through the dentin that lies below tooth enamel. Results don't occur overnight, however. It takes regular use to build up the anesthetizing effect and strengthen the tooth enamel.

Mouthwash or Toothpaste?

It can be difficult to decide whether to use a mouthwash or a toothpaste to treat your sensitivity, but research suggests both are equally effective. In 2012, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry published a study comparing a mouthwash and a toothpaste that contained sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate. Thirty patients were divided into two groups of fifteen: One group brushed twice a day using a toothpaste containing 5 percent potassium nitrate ; and the second group rinsed twice a day with a mouthwash containing 3 percent potassium nitrate. The second group also used a non-fluoridated toothpaste. Tooth sensitivity was measured after two and four weeks. Both groups experienced a significant desensitizing effect, and there was no difference between the two groups which provided a benefit in decreasing tooth sensitivity. If you have sensitive teeth, you can use a specialty mouthwash, or a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, or both.

Mouthwash for Sensitive Teeth

Different mouthwashes do different things. There are cosmetic mouthwashes to freshen breath and those that contains active ingredients for cavity and gingivitis prevention. This type of mouthwash may contain alcohol or chlorhexidine which are great at killing bacteria but may cause discomfort or burning. Even cosmetic mouthwashes for tooth whitening can cause sensitivity as they contain peroxide. There are mouthwashes for sensitive teeth that can help reduce sensitivity with numbing agents and those that help by repairing enamel. These mouthwashes contain fluoride and minerals to rebuild enamel in the same way that desensitizing toothpaste can. These include Colgate® Enamel Health™ Mouthwash which replenishes natural calcium back into tooth enamel to remineralize teeth. Tooth decay and weakened enamel are one of the causes of sensitive teeth. Another product which may help is Colgate® Ortho Defense Phos-Flur® Rinse. This anti-cavity rinse helps to strengthen tooth enamel and is alcohol free.

Sensitive teeth may be a sign of serious dental problems, so always mention any sensitivity to your dentist. He can check the source of your discomfort and offer in-office treatments. In the meantime, you can trust a mouthwash for sensitive teeth to provide you relief from current pain.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.