Lingual braces work similarly to traditional braces, using brackets, wires, and sometimes plastic bands to move the teeth. However, the brackets are placed on the inside of the teeth instead of the outside. The word "lingual" in dentistry means "toward the tongue." This way, the braces can only be seen if you open your mouth extra wide.
Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners involves a series of clear plastic "trays" precisely fitted for your teeth, such as Invisalign®. You wear each set of trays for a set amount of time to move teeth gently before advancing to the next set.
Colgate is offering orthodontic aligners in the Dallas, Texas area and expanding. If you are interested, please visit to learn more.
Unfortunately, lingual braces and clear aligners are not an option for everybody. When the patient's teeth are severely overcrowded or overlapping or experience complex bite issues, the orthodontist might recommend traditional braces as the preferred treatment. Every mouth is different, so talk to your dentist or orthodontist about your options, what will work best, and which will give you the fastest results.
No matter which treatment you choose, remember to practice good oral hygiene. Brush twice a day for two minutes, clean between teeth with floss or another interdental device, and make regular trips to your dentist's office for exams.
Both lingual braces and clear aligners provide great options for those looking for more aligned teeth. Talk to your orthodontist or dentist about each option, consider the pros and cons, and start your journey to a straighter smile.
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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