To understand how kidney health relates to your oral health, it's best, to begin with a simple anatomy lesson. Humans have two kidneys. Both are about the size of a fist and located on either side of the spine just below the rib cage.
The kidneys are vital to your health as they remove waste products from your body. They filter the blood and help ensure any excess fluids leave the body through urination. They also perform other functions, such as controlling red blood cell production, releasing hormones to regulate blood pressure, and helping the body maintain healthy bones by producing vitamin D.
One of the products removed from the blood supply by kidneys is urea. When the kidneys fail to remove all of the urea, the urea breaks down into ammonia. Hence, the reason people with renal problems often have breath that smells like chemicals or ammonia breath. Additionally, the body is unable to absorb calcium properly as a result of kidney disease. Lack of calcium can lead to bone loss, impacting the jaws and the bone around the teeth.
Often something else going on with the body, including some other illness, results in kidney disease. Some of the common causes of kidney disease are:
Ammonia breath will only subside once you treat the underlying condition. First and foremost, you need to seek the help of a medical professional. Until then, there are plenty of different ways to mask bad breath.
Monitoring your overall health is the most important way to recognize that there might be something wrong. Your body could be providing clues. So, when you book an annual physical with your primary care physician, go ahead and schedule regular dental checkups at least twice a year. Talk to your dentist about developing a good oral care routine that includes brushing at least twice a day. Follow that up with regular flossing or cleaning between your teeth to remove food particles from spots a brush might not be able to reach.
Bad breath can be unappealing, but it is also treatable, even if there is a deeper issue causing it. Talk to your primary care physician and dentist as soon as possible if you notice ammonia breath, and they will be able to help make a treatment plan that's right for you.
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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