White spot lesions may be due to fluorosis (overexposure of fluoride to the teeth), enamel hypoplasia (thinner development of the enamel on teeth), demineralization of the enamel on the teeth, low calcium diet, and poor oral hygiene. The good news, though, it’s treatable and can be reversed.

Possible Reasons for White Spot Lesions on Teeth

As we mentioned above, many things cause white spot lesions on teeth. Here's a look at the top three:

  • Fluorosis is caused if you ingest large quantities of fluoride. While there are many benefits to fluoride, too much can cause teeth discoloration that appears chalky white, yellow, or brown. This can come from swallowing toothpaste, drinking overly fluoridated water, and taking fluoride supplements.

  • Enamel Hypoplasia According to the Indian Journal of Dentistry, Enamel Hypoplasia is a tooth defect where there is thinner enamel than normal. It results from hereditary factors, vitamin deficiencies, medications given to a mother before the birth, trauma to teeth, and preterm births.

  • Demineralization creates white areas of decalcification of the enamel on teeth, resulting from the accumulation of bacterial plaque. This is caused by poor oral hygiene and is seen in people who wear braces. The white spots are early cavities that can be reversed if treated quickly.

Preventing White Spot Lesions

White spot lesions can occur in all ages and for many reasons. Here are some things to consider.

  • Find out what the fluoride levels are in your tap water and discuss with your dentist

  • Keep in mind that bottled water, formulas, drinks, and many foods contain fluoride

  • If you are pregnant, talk to your obstetrician and dentist about fluoride and other medications that could affect your child’s developing teeth

  • Assist children under the age of six in toothbrushing (use pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste)

  • Brace wearers should brush and floss around wires and brackets regularly to reduce the risk of white marks

Fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia, demineralization of the enamel on the teeth, a low calcium diet, and poor oral hygiene can all lead to white spot lesions. If you are noticing them on your teeth, consult your dental professional. There are treatments to reverse the problem. After all, the goal is to have your teeth all white, not just parts of them!

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.