How Smoking Affects Your Teeth and Oral Cavity

The number of ways that smoking can affect your oral health is not a small list. It's a solemn one. If you're a smoker, parts of this list are obvious — but most are alarming.

  • Stained Teeth, Bad Breath, Loss of Smell and Taste: Smoking can singe your sense of smell and taste, while cigarette tar can stain your teeth, discolor your tongue, and lead to halitosis.
  • Weakened Immune System: Smokers' immune systems become compromised, leading to weakened defenses against oral diseases and longer recovery from dental surgical procedures.
  • Gum and Periodontal Disease: You are twice as likely to experience gum disease if you smoke, notes the Centers for Disease Control.
  • Tooth Decay and Loss: Smoking supports bacteria, plaque, and tartar build-up leading to cavities, decay, and tooth loss.
  • Mouth Sores and Ulcers: These common oral health issues are much more prevalent in smokers.
  • Gum Recession: Smokers who develop gum disease experience receding gums that exposes the margins of their crowns. This may make oral hygiene more difficult and change the aesthetic appearance of their crowns.
  • Oral Cancer: Exposure to harmful chemicals found in cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco causes mutations in the healthy cells of your mouth and throat, increasing your risk for developing oral cancer — probably the most serious and challenging to treat.

What Steps Can You Take To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking — It takes hard work, commitment, accountability, and willpower. The Centers for Disease Control offers a wealth of knowledge on quitting, including tips, strategies, and maintenance. They also provide a practical 5 step plan to stop:

  1. Get Ready: Set your date to quit.
  2. Lean On Your Support System: Utilize your friends, family, and health professionals to help you along.
  3. Create Distractions: When urges to smoke arise, shift your focus to something else (exercise, hobby, etc.).
  4. Medicate As Necessary: Speak with your doctor about the benefits of using prescription or over-the-counter medications.
  5. Prepare For Setbacks: Recognize they happen, own it, work to overcome slip-ups, and keep going.

It's not a matter of how long it takes for smoking to affect your teeth and oral health — but just a matter of when. And while smoking is the #1 preventable cause of death and disease in the US, the journey to quit smoking is a grueling one. Remember that with most oral care concerns, your dental professionals are there to help. With regular visits, your dental team can help create a program to start the quitting process while playing a vital role in the support system you'll need. Sure, regular brushing and flossing can help your smile. The rest of your oral health is in your hands. That starts with taking the cigarette out of your hands and choosing health.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.