Yes! The best thing you can do for your lips is use a moisturizing SPF lip balm, reapplied around every 2 hours. In addition to using lip sunscreen, exfoliate your lips to remove any chapped, dry skin to prevent you from picking. Also remember to stay super hydrated — with a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day and even more if it's really hot or if you're out in the sun.
Your lips are just as susceptible to the sun's radiation as the rest of your body, which means they're vulnerable to skin cancer. Using lip sunscreen that filters out harmful UVB rays gives you protection from this often overlooked cancer and, in addition, provides much needed sunburn protection.
Many sun-protecting lip balms tout SPF 15 and some even go up to SPF 30. The difference is that SPF 15 filters out around 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 filters out about 97%, according to the American Cancer Society, which is actually a huge difference when it comes to the amount of radiation that reaches your skin. If you're going to be out in full sun, like on the beach or poolside, opt for the higher SPF.
Eek, did you forget the sunscreen or did the sun just get the better of you this time? Your lips might be sunburned if they're redder than normal, tender to the touch, swollen or have small, white blisters (ouch!). For some relief, try dipping a soft washcloth in ice water and resting it on your lips. You can also apply 100% aloe vera or another moisturizer to help the healing, but avoid anything with petroleum. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications will help with the pain. A mild sunburn should last 3-5 days. See your doctor if it doesn't get better!
Taking care of your mouth quite literally starts at your lips! If your lips are sunburned, tender or swollen, doing your regular brushing and flossing is not going to be fun. Worse than that, lip cancer would have a major impact on your oral health. Protecting your lips in the sun is an easy way to ensure that your mouth stays happy and healthy.
To recap, use an SPF lip balm regularly to protect your lips from sunburn, harmful cancer-causing radiation, and maybe even prevent some of those sun-exposure lip wrinkles. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated in the heat and treat any sunburns immediately. Now that you're armed with answers about keeping your lips healthy and protected, you can help friends and family do the same!
Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.
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