What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

If your teeth are healthy, a layer of enamel will cover and protect the crown of your teeth (the part above your gumline). Underneath the enamel lies the dentin, which is much less dense than enamel and contains microscopic tubes and canals. If you lose enamel on your teeth, hot, acidic, cold, or sugary foods can reach your dentin, causing tooth sensitivity.

According to the American Dental Association, some reasons for losing enamel are:

Cavities or tooth decay
Ingesting acidic foods and drinks
Wear and tear of enamel from brushing too hard and acidic foods or drinks
Receding gums
Acid reflux

How will you know if your teeth are sensitive? If you have sensitive teeth, you may experience pain or discomfort as a response to any of the following: sweet food or beverages, hot or cold food or drinks, acidic food or beverages, brushing or flossing, and even cold air or cold water. You may feel this pain or discomfort at the root of the tooth.

Why Does Sugar Hurt My Teeth?

Although sugary treats and drinks can be delicious, they can erode or dissolve your enamel. According to the Indiana Dental Association, the mouth’s bacteria reacts to the sugar in treats and drinks, producing acid. The acid-producing bacteria eat the enamel, causing tooth sensitivity and even cavities. Then, ironically, when you consume more of these sugary drinks or candy, they can trigger the same pain that they created in the first place since your teeth are now sensitive to sugar. You may also notice increased teeth sensitivity to sugar after a cleaning. Sometimes after a deep dental cleaning that probes and cleans along the gumline, the exposed roots may hurt a bit. Since nerve endings are in the tooth’s roots it can cause irritation making your teeth more sensitive to sugar after cleaning for a few days.

Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

If you’re concerned that you might be experiencing tooth sensitivity, you must see your dentist, who will most likely suggest one or several of these treatments:

  • Sensitive toothpaste. The ingredients in sensitive toothpaste help block transmissions of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve but may require multiple applications before your teeth feel less sensitive.

  • Fluoride varnish. The fluoride varnish will be applied to your teeth during your dental appointment by the dental hygienist. The varnish will harden on the teeth and reduce the transmission of nerve impulses to the teeth and strengthen tooth enamel.

  • Crown, inlay/onlay, or composite restoration. Once the decay is removed, the dentist will determine if a crown, inlay or onlay, or composite resin is needed.

  • Surgical gum graft. If the root of your tooth has lost gum tissue, a surgical gum graft will be completed by a periodontist to replace the lost gum tissue, protect your root, and reduce tooth sensitivity.

  • Root canal. If sensitivity persists, your dentist may recommend this treatment.

How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity to Sugar

The best way to prevent tooth sensitivity to sugar is to keep your enamel strong through good oral hygiene. Tooth decay and gum erosion can expose the tooth’s nerves and make teeth more sensitive. There are other ways to minimize your teeth’s sensitivity to sugar. These include:

  • Limiting sugar and avoiding hard candies.

  • Practicing good oral hygiene and brushing after high carb or sugary meals.

  • Using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth to help remineralize and protect enamel.

  • Asking your dentist about dental sealants to help protect teeth from sugar and acids that can cause decay and sensitivity.

  • Avoiding smoking, vaping or nicotine products as they can negatively impact gum health and increase tooth sensitivity.

  • Avoiding mouthwash with alcohol.

  • Using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

  • Trying candy sweetened with sugar alternatives such as xylitol or stevia which don’t contribute to cavities or decay.

  • Chewing sugarless gum to rid you of sugar cravings and after a meal when you can’t brush.

Proper oral hygiene is key to help reduce your teeth’s sensitivity to sugar. Again, consider altering your eating habits to cut down on the amount of sugary foods, drinks and carbohydrates you consume prevent sugar from hurting your teeth and keep your enamel protected.

If you’re wondering, “why does sugar hurt my teeth?” then it’s time to check in with your dentist. Tooth sensitivity is highly treatable, and a little care and caution goes a long way in keeping tooth sensitivity at bay!

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.


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people worldwide suffer from tooth decay