Here is one cute poem from the tooth fairy, written by Dr. Sumaiya Khan, that you can leave under your little one's pillow:

I know you've been a good child all year round,
For that is why I have taken your tooth with its crown,
But this is only a start, for your life lies ahead,
Be a good child and do everything your parents have said,
Study well and work hard, for that is the path to success,
This is my advice to you, till I see you again!

This next tooth fairy poem from is one you can share with your child on the big night at bedtime as they leave their tooth under the pillow. You can give it a personal touch by adding your child's name.

This night it is a special night
As fairies dance upon the roof.
All the fairies must alight,
For _______ just lost a tooth!

The Fairy Queen gives her commands
Twelve bright fairies must join hands
Then together in a circle stands
To guard _______ while s/he sleeps.

The Tooth Fairy into the circle leaps
The hidden tooth she takes
Ah, but has far to go
Before _____ awakes.

Three times around the world she flies
Over valleys deep and mountains high;
Skirts the storm clouds thick with thunder,
Wings over waves all wild with wonder.

Deep within their earthly homes
Finally, she finds the gnomes,
Who upon the tooth must work
Never once their duty shirk.

Some are hammering, hammering, hammering,
Some the bellows blow,
Others sweat at the sweltering forge
And then cry out, "Heigh-Ho!"

The tooth's been turned to a shining stone,
A glimmering, glowing gem
The Tooth Fairy takes the gnomes' good gift,
And bows (curtsies) to all of them.
Before the sun's first rays are shown,
She returns to ______'s bed,
And then
away she's flown!

While not a requirement, adding a short note for or from the tooth fairy can help make this big moment in your little one's life that much more memorable. You can make a note of your child's response to the letter and their tooth fairy visit to share another chance to smile with them years later.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.


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What's behind your smile?

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2.3 billion

people worldwide suffer from tooth decay