Who Is The Tooth Fairy?

Well, according to tooth fairy lore, when a child loses a baby tooth, they should place it under their pillow when they go to bed that night. While asleep, the tooth fairy comes to collect it and leaves money or a small gift exchange. The tale of the tooth fairy is different for most families, so you can get creative with yours too.

Tooth Fairy Stories

Sarah, a mom in New York, shared a charming and unique tooth fairy story. She told her children that there are several tooth fairies because there are many little girls and boys for just one fairy.

There's Boris, the lazy fairy who sometimes comes for the tooth a day or two late. He is a little forgetful too, so don't be surprised if he forgets to take your tooth after his visit. Boris will always remember to leave you with something. It may not be grand, but that's because he's a little lazy. He might leave a wrinkled fast food coupon, a single dollar, or a few coins.

Lizzie is a very thoughtful fairy. She spends time shopping for the perfect gift just for you! So you might have to wait for a little longer when she's on duty. It's worth waiting for her because her gifts are extra special; you could get yourself a new outfit, bracelet, book, or even a toy. She's even been known to leave a note where she arranges with the child's parents to allow them to skip a chore for a week in exchange for a tooth.

Boris and Lizzie also leave you the extra time in case you forget on a busy night, or your child loses a tooth right before bed and their "tooth fairy" isn't prepared.

Then there's Phoebe. Getting a visit from her is rare and special. Phoebe has a lot of money and loves visiting special little girls and boys. If you brush and floss your teeth, you could be lucky enough to get a visit from her. She leaves twenty-dollar bills under pillows - for just one tooth!

How to Take Care of Your Child's Teeth

You can start taking care of your child's dental health as soon as their baby teeth erupt. Instill these good oral hygiene habits with a fun tooth fairy story:

Brushing: Remind your child of the importance of brushing twice a day; this helps remove plaque and food particles from their teeth and gums.

Interdental cleaning: Teach your child how to clean between their teeth. Flossing is a great way to remove food particles and plaque in those hard-to-reach places.

Tongue cleaning: Ensure that they clean their tongue as bacteria and food particles can get trapped here. Encourage your child to brush their tongue with a toothbrush or tongue scraper gently.

However, you wish to tell your child about the tooth fairy, it is a great way to encourage good dental care habits. But, it doesn't have to be about money. Little homemade coupons can range from hugs and kisses to getting to choose the movie for movie night, or, as Sarah told, chore-skipping. Those kinds of things often mean more than money with young children and can also motivate them with positive reinforcement.

Children should brush their teeth for two minutes twice a day and floss daily. Read them a tooth fairy story to remind them of this; it will be fun for everyone. They won't want to disappoint the tooth fairy.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.