Angular Cheilitis symptoms
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Angular Cheilitis: Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

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Published date field Last Updated: 28 Feb 2024

Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

You might not think of smiling as a painful experience, but it can be if you have angular cheilitis. This inflammation starts off as a patch of dry, red or cracked skin in one or both corners of the mouth. The sensitive skin can even split and bleed if a patient opens their mouth too wide, which can make eating, drinking and talking uncomfortable. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, from a yeast infection or vitamin deficiency to simple chapped lips.

Angular cheilitis (also called perlèche, angular stomatitis or cheilosis) often begins when the corners of the mouth stay moist for a long period of time. When the saliva dissipates, dryness and irritation move in. When a person repeatedly licks their lips to alleviate the dryness, the mouth area can dry out even more and crack, allowing bacteria to enter and cause an infection. The moist environment can also allow for fungal growth, resulting in a candida or yeast infection that itches and burns. Mouth patches may also appear scaly, white in colour, swollen or blistered.

Risk Factors and Causes of Angular Cheilitis

This condition can affect patients of different ages, from children to the elderly, according to the Primary Care Dermatology Society. People who have weakened immune systems from a condition such as diabetes or HIV are especially vulnerable. The NHS lists other risk factors, including:

  • Certain conditions that cause saliva to pool at the corners of the mouth

  • Dentures, especially if they are poor fitting and associated with gum recession

  • Ill-fitting dentures

  • Nutritional issues, especially a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid or an iron deficiency

  • Chronic bowel problems

Treatment for Angular Cheilitis

Depending on the cause, your doctor or dentist may prescribe changes in diet or an antibiotic or antifungal to treat the condition, notes the NHS. If the cause is due to poor fitting dentures, your dentist will likely recommend you to remove your dentures from the mouth at night and store them in a candidacidal solution such as hypochlorite. The poorly fitting dentures should be replaced, which help to restore facial contour and reduce the size of the furrows.

Don't just put on some lip balm and ignore it. Your healthcare professional will be able to tell whether your issues are caused by a fungus, bacteria or a more dangerous underlying condition, such as an immune disorder.

Angular cheilitis caused by candida is often treated with a steroid or antibiotic cream the same way as other fungal infections. If you regularly have non-food objects in or near your mouth (such as dentures, cigarettes or braces), good oral hygiene can help keep your lips and mouth clean and free from infection. Try to keep your lower face dry and wear lip balm with SPF protection in especially cold, dry or sunny weather.

It is best to visit a doctor or dentist as soon as possible to get this condition treated properly. Early treatment can help clear up an infection or symptoms in as little as a few days, so don't waste time waiting to smile again!

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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.