Close up of exotic lush green bamboo

Bamboo Fiber Floss: How it Benefits Your Teeth & the Environment

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Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

Have you ever thought about the impact your oral care routine has on the environment? Maybe you turn the sink off while brushing your teeth or buy toothpaste that uses a recyclable tube—but is there an eco-friendly floss? Traditional floss and floss picks are made from mixed materials that can take years to break down in landfills, so people turn to more sustainable alternatives like bamboo floss to reduce their carbon footprint.

Why Flossing Is Important

Interdental cleaning is an essential part of a healthy oral care routine. Utensils like string floss, floss picks, and water picks can reach where your toothbrush can’t. They do a great job removing food and other particles between the teeth that could turn into plaque and tartar. Neglecting to clean between your teeth effectively can lead to painful swelling, gum disease, tooth decay, and even negatively impact your overall health.

What Is Bamboo Fiber Floss?

Bamboo dental floss is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional dental floss. Bamboo floss is typically made from sustainable materials that don't spend years in landfills. Activated charcoal is a common ingredient found in bamboo floss. It gives the dental floss its unique black color and is porous, giving it a natural ability to trap odors and toxins that hide between teeth.

Bamboo Dental Floss vs. Traditional Floss

Many of the benefits of bamboo dental floss are related to its environmental impact. Bamboo is compostable and whereas traditional interdental floss and floss picks can spend years decomposing in landfills and waterways. Many bamboo floss products use organic wax with natural ingredients like peppermint oil or candelilla wax instead of toxic chemicals commonly found in traditional floss options.

Is Bamboo Floss Good for the Environment?

Bamboo is a renewable resource with benefits that make it perfect for developing sustainable products. Not only does bamboo reach full maturity in 1-5 years, but bamboo forests are also productive at absorbing carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the atmosphere.

Being proactive with your oral health can go a long way. You can significantly reduce your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other infections simply by practicing interdental cleaning once a day. If you're concerned about the amount of waste your oral care products are creating, consider making the switch to bamboo dental floss to keep your mouth and environment happy.


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