Watching movies about the tooth fairy could get your child excited about their teeth on its own but will be more effective with proper planning. Try to schedule the movie watching near a child’s dental appointment, or when they have a loose tooth, so the fun is still fresh in their minds.
It can be essential to increase your child’s interest and involvement in their oral care to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. The good news is that the habits they build now could help keep their smile healthy through childhood and adulthood.
Any activity that encourages your child to think about the subject matter could offer lasting effects by merely earning their attention. The more fun the activity, the less difficult it will be to talk to your child about otherwise dry topics like dental care. Help them have fun taking care of their teeth, and they’ll be on their way to avoiding cavities in no time.
Some easy ideas to learn about dental care with the Tooth Fairy movie:
Did you know: Chewing sugar-free gum helps promote saliva production that protects the hard outer layer of your child’s teeth. Just make sure they’re supervised, so they don’t stick it on your furniture!
After or during the movie present a perfect opportunity to talk to your child about their dental habits. Instead of telling them what to do, it might be a good idea to ask your child questions and let them make some connections on their own.
Fun prompts to talk to your child about dental care:
Watching Tooth Fairy can be a great way to open the conversation on dental health and help your child take responsibility for their dental routine. You’re now on the way to empowering them by making dental care an enjoyable activity instead of a chore.
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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Take our Oral Health assessment to get the most from your oral care routine