With either dental implant, if you still have your damaged tooth (or teeth) and its roots, you must undergo oral surgery to remove them. Designed to mimic your former tooth's roots, the implant is usually made of metal – particularly titanium. If you have a metal allergy, zirconia is an alternative material.
Traditional Dental Implant Surgery: This can be a three- or four-step procedure requiring recovery time between certain steps.
Mini Dental Implant Procedure: The mini implant doesn't require a traditional implant's bone mass, eliminating a bone graft's need.
Both implants can also serve to stabilize dentures by affixing them to implants rather than using an adhesive.
Mini dental implants might be the perfect solution if your budget or jawbone doesn't allow for traditional dental implants.
Lower-Cost Alternative: Since mini dental implants involve less hardware and less time, they can cost one-quarter to half as much as traditional implants. What's more, if you currently wear dentures, you might be able to retrofit your dentures for the mini implants to further save on costs.
Minimally Invasive: Mini dental implants' smaller size means placing them requires a less invasive procedure than traditional implants. That'll save you time spent in a dental professional's chair.
Plus, as we previously noted, no jawbone grafts are required.
Reduced Recovery Time: Because of their smaller size, no surgery is needed, and your bone should take less time to bond to the implant.
Researchers are still studying the long-term advantages of mini dental implants vs. traditional implants. But knowing about the procedure and its benefits, you can open a discussion with your dental professionals to see if mini dental implants might be a solution that's right for you.
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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