The Nance Button is an oral appliance often described as a space maintainer. If your child loses their upper baby teeth too early, their first permanent molars might begin to move forward. The Nance button acts as a holding arch that prevents the adult/permanent molars from shifting, ensuring that they remain in their correct position. This orthodontic device has a u-shaped acrylic plate that fits comfortably on the palate. It has two metal bands attached to the upper back teeth, keeping them in place until the other adult teeth erupt.
Like the Nance, the lower lingual holding arch is a space maintainer specially designed to fit the lower teeth. The lower holding arch is a u-shaped appliance that sits behind the lower teeth. It has two metal bands placed on the two lower molars, preventing the teeth from moving forward. Your orthodontist may suggest a lingual holding arch if your child loses their baby teeth prematurely.
The twin block appliance is commonly used on younger children and teenagers whose jawbone is still developing. Orthodontists use this device to correct severe malocclusions (misalignment) in the upper and lower jaw. An overjet is a misalignment in the jaw that causes the upper teeth to stick out in front of the lower teeth much further than normal. Twin blocks assist in shifting the lower jaw forward. This functional appliance has two acrylic blocks that sit on the top molars and bottom bicuspids. When the mouth is closed, the two parts combine to position the lower jaw forward. Once the perfect alignment has been achieved, your child's orthodontist may recommend teeth-straightening treatment.
Orthodontia is an important part of your child's dental care. With early visits, orthodontists can determine and treat misalignment issues that can affect the appearance of your child's teeth and their ability to speak and eat properly. Feel free to ask them about these appliances and how they can ensure that your child has a healthy and beautiful smile!
Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.
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