Mandibular Foramen: Function and Anatomy

The opening of your mouth consists of two parts: your upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible). These vital bones work in sync to help you eat, speak, and create facial expressions. The lower jaw is the only bone in your skull that moves. It moves up and down during these actions to chew, help create sounds, and change the shape of your mouth. Your lower jaw connects to your skull via your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Your mandibular foramen itself is the canal opening on each side of your lower jaw (which explains the “mandibular” part of the name). While it doesn’t contain any muscle itself, it is connected to your face and neck muscles.

This essential structure houses nerves and blood vessels as they traverse from your mouth to elsewhere in your body. These nerves and vessels ensure you can feel sensation from your teeth and supply your bones, skin, muscles, teeth, gums, and other tissues with blood.

Your mandibular foramen contains your:

No Two Foramen Are Alike

It can be easy to think that everyone's biology is the same, but this is far from the truth, thanks to genetics and environmental factors. According to StatsPearls, there are many variable aspects of your mandibular foramen’s anatomy. Because the foramen protects your nerves and arteries, changes to these will often correspond with changes to your foramen and canal.

Your mandibular foramen may vary by:

  • Shape
  • Location
  • Diameter
  • Length
  • Age

Some individuals have even been found to have an extra canal or multiple inferior alveolar nerves. The location of your foramen may be asymmetrical on opposing sides of your jaw.

Helpful tip: Your dental or medical professional may use X-rays or other imaging technology to help determine the various characteristics of your mandibular foramen.

Why Is Your Mandibular Foramen Important?

Your dental or medical professional's understanding of your mandibular foramen is essential in any related procedure. This is because it protects vital nerves and arteries, so damaging them could cause nerve pain and other complications. Additionally, the location of your mandibular foramen helps trace the path of your mandibular canal and the tissues it protects.

Fortunately, dental and medical professionals are specially trained to navigate this challenge to limit any procedure or treatment risk. If you have questions or concerns about your mandibular foramen, they'll be happy to address them and put you at ease.

Your mandibular foramen may be important for:

  • Jaw surgery
  • Inferior alveolar nerve blocks
  • Dental implants of your third molar
  • Extraction of your third molar
  • Other procedures to nearby affected areas

You've done a great job reading up on this unique feature of your lower jaw. You now have a great understanding of what your mandibular foramen does to protect your nerves and arteries and why that's crucial for speaking, eating, and even making facial expressions, all of which are important for that delicious treat we mentioned earlier.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider.